ONLINE 911 Emergency Dispatching: Liability Issues
Instructor: Chief Terry Delehanty, Ret. Esq.
From 8:30am to 12:30pm
Registration: 8:30am
The Course Description: This course will provide techniques that enable the dispatcher and call taker to limit their liability by reducing risk and providing a higher level of service to protect callers and responders.
§ You will learn about the concepts underlying legal terms like “liability”, “damages”, and “immunity”.
§ Lessons learned from court cases will be discussed to provide examples of procedural violations that formed the basis of lawsuits against PSAPs.
§ What protection does the MTCA offer to dispatchers?
§ What if a dispatcher commits a negligent act causing death?
§ What if a dispatcher commits a negligent act causing injury?
§ When is the dispatcher subject to immunization?
§ What if a dispatcher is found to be negligent? Who pays?
§ What happens if a police officer fails to promptly respond to a felony in progress with the result that the complainant is injured or killed? Who is liable? The officer? The town?
§ What are the implications if police dispatcher imparts explicit and specific assurances of safety or assistance to a person who is eventually injured?
§ What is the Mass Tort Claims Act (MTCA)?
§ Who is liable if a PO negligently injures a person?
§ What about a high speed pursuit?
§ Supervisory liability will also be thoroughly addressed!
§ When can the Supervisor be sued for negligent supervision? What is negligent retention and negligent supervision?
Register Now» Offline registration: or call 508-989-9848
» Cost: $179 USD per official.